********************************************************************* Welcome to the Bugs on My Desktop! Field Guide, a brief sojourn into the world of insects found in the Bugs on My Desktop! animated cursor scheme set. ********************************************************************* If you would like to help me expand the Bugs on My Desktop! field guide, please send your ideas to the following Internet electronic mail address: uj296@freenet.victoria.bc.ca ********************************************************************* THE FIELD GUIDE ********************************************************************* 1. The Nine-spotted Ladybug Beetle The Nine-spotted Ladybug Beetle (sometimes referred to as a, "Ladybird Beetle") can be found in North American gardens eating aphids and mites. A good time to find one is between May and September. In some cultures, Ladybird Beetle has religious significance. In some other cultures, it is considered good luck should one land on you. 2. Two-spotted Stink Bug The Stink Bug lives in fields and sucks plant juices. It lives all over North America east of the Rocky Mountains. 3. Goldenrod Spider You can find the Goldenrod Spider all over North America scurrying over daisies and other flowers that have a yellow or white color. Insects that visit these flowers usually turn into a meal for the Goldenrod. 4. Eight-spotted Forester The Eight-spotted Forester lives in the US near woods. It likes grape vines, which it eats for food. 5. Biting Stable Fly This fly sucks blood from barnyard animals all over North America. 6. Giant Swallowtail The Giant Swallowtail's home lies along the Atlantic Coast. As a caterpillar, it likes to eat leaves off of orange trees. It's specific, bright colors and larger size distinguishes it from other butterflies. 7. Green Valley Grasshopper If you've ever walked through a Coloradan, Texan, or Mexican field, you've probably encountered the Green Valley Grasshopper. This insect eats tall grass. 8. Silverfish One can find the Silverfish all over the world. It especially likes warm, indoor climates. There are probably some in your closet right now eating the starch out of your best suit. 9. Small Mayfly Naiad The Small Mayfly (Naiad) lives in central and eastern Canada near water that is shallow and flowing. It likes to eat green plants as a Naiad, but the adults don't eat at all. 10. Green Lacewing Like the Ladybird Beetle, the Green Lacewing eats aphids and lives throughout North America. Look for one in your garden. 11. Sandhills Hornet The Sandhills Hornet is a resident of Canada and northern US states. It likes to drink nectar from flowering plants. The Hornet's nest is round and feels like paper. Don't step one. 12. Red Ant Worker Red Ants live in nests and collect honeydew and nectar from both aphids and flowers. You can find their nests in British Columbia, Alberta, and some US states, like Utah. 13. Green Darner The Green Darner is a North American dragonfly that likes ponds and slow moving water where there are plenty of mosquitoes. It is known for being a quick flyer. Good luck trying to catch one.